Protect Your Hair At Night | TCB Naturals South Africa
Hair Care

Three Interesting Ways To Protect Your Hair At Night3 min read

Hair care: protect your hair at night

You can do everything right with your hair care regimen and still manage to ruin it all with a bad night care routine. Once you have your afro looking vibrant and full, you want that look to last as long as possible. A proper night time routine will help you maintain your healthy tresses while you sleep, have a look at these interesting tips here!

1. Use A Leave-In Conditioner

To keep your hair healthy and attractive while you sleep, apply a leave-in conditioner just before you go to bed. Simply applying TCB Naturals Deep Penetrating Treatment at night will do wonders to your hair! The blend of Coconut oil and Shea butter will moisturise and nourish your ‘fro while you sleep, leaving them soft and shiny.

2. Satin Or Silk Pillow Case

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase will lead to dry and frizzy hair in the morning, as fabrics like cotton tend to absorb moisture from your hair. Make sure you sleep on a satin or a silk pillowcase or use a satin bonnet for great night hair care. This will help you in maintaining the optimum level of moisture in your hair.

3. Low Manipulation Hairstyle

Sleeping with complex or tight hairstyles can lead to a receding hairline, breakage and hairfall. Wearing low manipulation hairstyle can help give rest to your edges and hairline. Make sure you create a loose and easy hairstyle before you go to bed. Simple braids and flat twists can help reduce frizz and tangles.

Minimizing frizz has never been easier! Have a look at How To Air-Dry Hair To Minimise Frizz

Cover image courtesy: Hairfinder


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