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The Right Shampoo For Relaxed Hair3 min read

The Right Shampoo For Relaxed Hair

There are plenty of shampoos out there that promise you healthy and shiny locs. However, it is very important for you to understand what suits your mane and what does not. If you have relaxed hair, you must make sure you choose just the right shampoo for your hair. Here is what you should consider before choosing a shampoo for relaxed hair.

1. Level Of Sulphate

Sulphate is a common ingredient that is found in many shampoos. While they do a great job at cleaning your hair, they also leave your tresses extremely dry. Relaxed hair is already brittle and sensitive; hence, it is best for you to use a sulphate free shampoo. You can also improve your relaxed hair health by applying TCB Naturals Leave-In Treatment right after shampooing.

2. A Shampoo With Low Ph.

During the relaxing process, the ph. of your hair is raised to allow the chemical to work effectively. A shampoo with a lower ph. (slightly acidic) should be used to restore your mane’s natural ph. Also, make sure you only opt for shampoos that are specially designed for dry and chemically treated hair.

3. Clarifying Shampoos

Clarifying shampoos are also important for relaxed haircare. They effectively remove product build up caused by gels, pomades and mousses. However, a clarifying shampoo is more acidic in nature and should be used only once in a month. Be gentle on your tresses they deserve it!

Need expert advice on relaxed haircare? Check out How To Grow Your Relaxed Hair

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