Hair Care

How To Plan Your Hair Maintenance Routine For The Year3 min read

Courtesy @www.pexels.com

For healthy looking hair, start planning your hair maintenance routine for the year. Here are some simple ways to plan for the year:

1. Identify Your Hair Problem

One of the most crucial factors in a hair care regime is to identify what’s causing damage to your hair. You first need to understand your hair type and factors affecting your lifestyle.

Fix the problem by treating it as soon as you identify it. Ask yourself these questions: Have you have been over processing your hair? Are you giving a decent gap between two relaxer treatments? Is your treatment damaging your hair? Any of these factors could be the reason for your stagnant hair growth. So, switch to natural hair care treatment and avoid over-pressed / heating treatments.

2. Hair Care In Summer

Wash your hair regularly during the summer season, especially after a swim. Moisturize your hair with TCB Naturals Herbal Pomade. It provides a soothing effect and prevents dryness and flaking of the scalp. Use TCB Naturals Leave-in Treatment to deep condition your hair. This will be helpful on days when you have no time to get into a shower for a hair shower. Trim your split ends and go easy on heat treatments. If you want to have a haircut, go for a short, glam look this season.

3. Plan For Rainy Season

During the rainy season, ensure that your hair is clean. Wash it regularly using a good shampoo and leave-in conditioner such as TCB Naturals Leave-in Treatment. This goes without saying but, ladies, try not to get your hair wet in the rain.

4. Winter Care For Afro Hair

During the winter season, keep your hair moisturized using TCB Naturals Coconut Hair Oil or TCB Naturals Argan Hair Oil. Do not wash your hair often. Go for co-washes instead.

Avoid wearing different styles to prevent hair breakage. During winters, keep your hair moisturized. Oil it regularly for nourishment. Take special care of areas where you notice hair breakage and line your woolen caps with satin lining to prevent friction.


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