Shedding And Breakage | TCB Naturals South Africa
How to’s

How To Differentiate Between Shedding And Breakage3 min read

Afro hair: difference between shedding and breakage

When it comes to natural afro hair, there can be quite a bit of confusion. It is easy to misunderstand between hair shedding and breakage, but we are here to clear all your doubts! This easy guide will help you differentiate between shedding and breakage in Afro hair.

1. Hair Shedding

Girls, this is a completely natural process and in most cases, there is no need for alarm. When you notice long curly strands on your comb, which might have a small white bud on the top, you are encountering shedding. One person can shed up to two hundred strands a day, depend upon their hair health and stress level. However, excessive shedding is a sever issue; maintain a healthy diet and effective stress management to avoid excessive hair shedding.

2. Hair Breakage

Breakage, on the other hand is caused by dryness and brittleness of your strands. Lack of protein and excess heat styling are also major causes of breakage. If you notice short broken strands while combing your hair, that is breakage. Afro hair is highly textured and dense, thus making it prone to dryness. Make sure you retain optimum levels of moisture in your ‘fro by generously using TCB Naturals Deep Penetrating Treatment at least once a week when you wash your hair.  You can also effectively prevent breakage with protective hairstyles, satin head wraps and hydrating natural oils.

Afro hair is different but prone to breakage, here is why! Check out Four Reasons Why Your Curly Hair Breaks Easily

Cover image courtesy: natural hair rules


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