Best Natural Hair Products For Afro Hair | TCB Naturals South Africa
Hair Care

The Best Natural Products For Your Hair8 min read

The Best Natural Products For Afro Hair

Anyone with afro hair knows that it is different and unique from all other hair types. As glorious and voluminous it tends to look, it often gets frizzy, dull and lifeless. Afro hair needs to be cleansed, hydrated and nourished on regular basis for it to grow and retain length. With a whole wide range of hair products out there, it can get confusing for us girls, until now! We have rounded up the best of everything your luscious locs need. Read on to know the best natural products that will leave your hair looking like absolute perfection!

1. Coconut Oil

One of the most basic and beneficial elements to remember when caring for the distinctive texture of natural hair, is the importance of moisture. Coconut oil provides the type of moisture and nourishment your afro hair needs. It is rich in saturated fatty acids, capric acid, vitamins E and K. Coconut oil is known for its high moisture retaining capacity and penetrates deep into your hair shaft. It is highly beneficial for afro hair because it moisturises your hair and leaves it strong, healthy and shiny. Applying TCB Naturals Coconut Oil regularly will not only deeply nourish and moisturise your locs, but also keep dandruff and other bacterial properties at bay.

2. Shea Butter

This natural product is an absolute godsend for people around the world! Shea butter is a by-product of shea nuts that are harvested from a tree native to West Africa. Shea butter has become prevalent in haircare products due to its phenomenal medicinal properties. It has proven benefits and is very moisturizing for the hair and scalp. People with curly and coarse hair textures benefit from using shea butter as a sealant to keep moisture in their hair and increase softness. Apart from being a miraculous moisturiser, shea butter is also effective in minimizing hair breakage. It prevents dryness, frizz and prevents split ends, is there anything this natural ingredient cannot do!

3. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is one such natural product that is known to contain over 75 nutrients that can benefit your thick afro hair. The gel from the Aloe Vera plant has a whole host of beneficial properties that can help your hair revive its natural sheen and prevent hair loss. Simply apply it before leaving your house every morning, it forms a protective layer over your strands that keeps it safe from harmful environmental elements and keeps it constantly hydrated and fresh. One of the key points is that Aloe Vera gel helps restore the ph of your hair effectively. Apart from haircare, aloe vera is known for its styling properties, it helps you wear sleek and defined edges, just like a diva! Simply apply TCB Naturals Herbal Hair Pomade, (which is packed with aloe vera) on your edges and slay your chic, defined hairstyle.

4. Castor Seed Oil

Not only is this vegetable oil a humectant, castor oil also has anti-fungal properties. This will ensure a clean scalp, with your hair follicles clear and prepared for better hair growth. Some apply it to their crown to increase the thickness of thinning edges. If you are facing an itchy scalp and dandruff, we strongly recommend regular use of Jamaican Black Castor Oil. It is packed with Vitamin E and Omega-9 that helps treat your dandruff and nourishes your tresses.

For best results, mix one tablespoon each of Jamaican Black Castor oil and extra virgin olive oil with the juice of half a lemon. Warm the contents up and massage it gently into your scalp. Leave it overnight and rinse it thoroughly the next morning. This method will revive your sheen and thickness effectively. However, castor seed oil is extremely thick, thus make sure you rinse it out thoroughly with a mild clarifying shampoo.

5. Argan Oil

Girls, Argan oil is an absolute lifesaver for everyone with a thick natural ‘fro. It is known to tame frizz better than anything else. Extracted from the Kernels of the Argan fruit, Argan oil gives life to dry, damaged and tangled natural hair. It penetrates into the hair shaft and enhances the elasticity of hair, which in turn helps prevent breakage. Argan oil is a tremendous agent for hair treatment, it eliminates the brittleness of dyed hair and increases the life of colour treated hair. Regular use of TCB Naturals Argan Oil will reduce the coarse nature of your locs and promote easy detangling. You will see noticeable changes in your hair texture and shine with the help of pure Argan Oil.

Go ahead and experiment with all these natural hair products and oils, find out what your natural afro responds well to, and include that product into your haircare regimen. These natural products have proven to give the best results and have no side effects.

To effectively treat your hair problems, you need to understand what your hair is really undergoing. Check out Decoding All Your Natural Hair Woes to get a clear picture.


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