Protecting Your Afro Hair From Smoke | TCB Naturals South Africa
How to’s

How To Protect Your Hair From Smoke3 min read

protect your afro hair from smoke

Smoke and smokers are everywhere! Whether the smoke is from a cigarette or from a car, it damages your Afro hair none the less. While you can’t prevent the smoke from taking place, you can always protect your curls from it! Here are a few tips on how to protect your precious locs from smoke in day-to-day life.

1. Seal Your Curls With A Natural Oil

Before being exposed to smoke, it is a good idea to apply TCB Naturals Coconut Oil in your scalp and Afro hair. This will help put moisture back into your tresses and keep it hydrated and healthy. Coconut oil can be a great preventive measure, but make sure you do not over apply it to avoid an oily look.

2. Wash Your Hair After Exposure To Smoke

It is important to remove as much of that smoke from your strands as you can to avoid drying of your strands. No one wants their Afro hair to smell like smoke. It is best for you to wash your hair with a cleansing shampoo or conduct an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.

3. Treat Your Hair With Natural Ingredients

If your hair feels extra brittle after being exposed to smoke, just apply a simple hair mask, which contains one part honey and one part olive oil. This will help restore your natural hair health in no time. Apply the mix on your strands, put on a shower cap and let it sit for thirty minutes. Rinse out the mix with a cleansing shampoo and your hair will be back to its original moisturised state.

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Cover image courtesy: Bustle


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