How To Take Care Of Breakage | TCB Naturals South Africa
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How To Take Care Of Breakage8 min read

Afro Hair: How to take care of breakage

Courtesy: Naturally Curly

Breakage is all around us! It happens when your afro hair strand snaps under the tension it cannot withstand. Let us get one thing straight: breakage isn’t healthy but it is unavoidable. However, it can and should be minimized. Give your afro hair some tender loving care to keep it healthy and strong. Don’t be afraid to reject any hair products or styling tools that might be causing breakage. Keep scrolling for some key tips to reduce hair breakage.

1. Moisturise Your Tresses

Dry hair tends to be less elastic and more brittle, thus making it prone to regular breakage. Get into the habit of using TCB Naturals Deep Penetrating Treatment to deeply moisturise your natural afro. Thus sealing the moisture in with a natural oil. This will keep your hair moisturised and hydrated all day long. Many women prefer wearing protective hairstyles; however, they tend to cause tension and breakage. Do not ignore your natural afro hair while they are in a protective style. Make sure you deeply nourish and moisturise your scalp and hydrate your protective strands with natural oils. This will reduce breakage and help keep your style for a longer period.

TCB Naturals Leave-in Treatment

2. Do NOT Towel-Dry

Your regular towel’s material is harsh on your afro hair. It snags and pulls your tresses, making it brittle, dry and dull. Since afro hair has a unique texture, towels are especially harmful! You will see your breakage drop significantly once you switch over to a good quality micro-fibre towel. If you do not wish to invest in a micro-fibre towel, you can use a cotton T-shirt to effectively dry your hair without breakage.

3. Detangling

Girls, this is not rocket science, detangling causes breakage, especially if you tug too hard or detangle when your tresses are dry. This does not mean you should avoid detangling your hair. If you do not detangle often, your tangles will get worse and cause more breakage when you finally comb it. After showering, let your ‘fro air dry and start detangling when it is 70% dry. Comb your length slowly, patiently and regularly with a wide toothed comb, your hair will thank you for it.

4. Deep Nourishment

Undernourished hair is less elastic and breaks easily because it cannot withstand the tension. If you wish to keep breakage at an arm’s length then you have to provide your locs with the nourishment and protein it needs, to stay strong and healthy. Protein treatments are a good way to keep your hair nourished. However, using TCB Naturals Nourishing Hair Food is a smarter and cost effective way of keeping your locs nourished and shiny. It is packed with protein and lanolin that will deeply nourish your locs and keep them strong and elastic.

Afro Hair: TCB Naturals Hair Food

5. Be Gentle

Excessive touching, combing, high manipulation hairstyles and careless use of products can cause a lot of harm to your natural hair texture and sheen, in turn causing regular breakage. Sport low manipulation or protective hairstyles that give your hair a break from breakage causing environments. Use gentle wide toothed combs for detangling and get into a night-time haircare regimen that will leave your locs fresh and healthy in the morning.

6. Reduce The Heat

We cannot stress on this point enough! This is a common mistake that every girl tends to make. Everyone likes to switch hairstyles every now and then, but that involves excessive use of heat styling tools. This can damage your hair texture and quality and cause alarming amount of breakage. Heat sucks the moisture out of your afro hair, so steer clear of heat styling tools as much as possible. If you still go ahead and use heat on your hair, make sure the styling tools are set at low heat.

7. The LOC method

We know that following long moisturising hair care regimens can get boring over a period. However, moisture is the most important element that fights against breakage.

No more boring haircare routines! Just use the LOC method! It is the most effective way of moisturising your tresses and is done in three easy steps! LOC means liquid, oil and cream method.

It starts with simply hydrating your hair with water, which is a natural moisturiser for your afro. Next, you must seal in the moisture with TCB Naturals Coconut Oil and lastly, you must apply a good quality hair cream to close your hair cuticles and prevent moisture loss. The LOC method will keep your hair fresh, nourished all day long, and prevent breakage effectively.

Pay 100% attention to your Afro hair and follow these simple tips daily, you will notice an evident decrease in breakage. If you think your hair is damaged, check out Hair Tips For Damaged Hair for all the answers!

What do you think of these hair care tips? Leave it in the comments!


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