Hair Care

Four Reasons Why Your Curly Hair Isn’t Growing Long3 min read

Every woman has wished for longer locs at least once in life. However, Afro hair has a different and unique hair structure. Its curl pattern is extremely dense, thus it is more prone to dryness and breakage. Check out the four most common reasons why your curly strands are not growing long.

1. Dryness

Dry hair is the most common cause of breakage. Always remember, your afro is unique and requires a huge amount of moisture. Tropical climate, excessive heat styling and chemicals can cause dry and brittle hair, in turn cause breakage. Applying generous amount of TCB Naturals Leave-In Treatment can effectively maintain the moisture level in your tresses and accelerate hair growth.

2. Complex Hairstyles

Complex hairstyles, tight ponytails and braids can cause tension near the edges and lead to breakage. Even the wrong clamps and elastics can catch and break your hair follicles. Try loose twists, Bantu knots or protective hairstyles if you wish to promote hair growth.

3. Lack Of Protein

Lack of protein is a common problem among the curl queens. Protein deficiency can lead to dry hair and breakage, in turn preventing hair growth. It is vital to provide your scalp and tresses ample amount of protein if you wish for long, healthy and hydrated locs.

4. Overheating

Using high temperatures to style your hair can lead to damaged hair follicles and breakage. Give your strands a break from heat styling at least once a week and avoid using flat irons and hair dryers as much as possible. Letting your hair air dry is an effective alternative for healthy hair growth.

To avoid breakage, you need to know about breakage. Check out Four Reasons Why Your Curly Hair Breaks Easily

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