Hair Care

Revealed: Denise Lewis’s Everyday Hair Routine3 min read

No doubt, Denise Lewis is a pioneer in her industry! She believes that your hair is not just a style statement but also a mark of your personality. Afro hair has a unique texture and curl patterns, thus it requires proper attention and care. Check out the everyday haircare guide Denise swears by!

1. Hair Wash

This is a primary step in her hair care routine. Get into the habit of rinsing your hair with lukewarm or cold water every day to keep your tresses fresh and clean. Twice a week you can also apply a clarifying shampoo to get rid of dirt and product build-up.

2. Detangling And Drying

Denise prefers air-drying her hair! After you are done washing your ‘fro, gently detangle it with a wide toothed comb and let it air dry to avoid damage and breakage. If you plan to blow-dry your hair, make sure you keep the heat on minimum.

3. Moisture Is The Key

Regular washing can leave your hair dry, so it is important to maintain the level of moisture in your scalp and hair. Apply TCB Naturals Leave-In Treatment after washing your locs to keep it moisturised and nourished. However, you must not forget to lock the moisture in with natural oils like Coconut and Argan.

4. Hair Styling

We keep on styling our afro every now and then. However, excess heat styling can cause dryness and damage. Denise always applies a heat protectant before she flat irons, or blow-dries her hair and you should too!

Ever wondered how celebrities slay their afro hairstyles? Check out Rock Your 4C Hair Like Lupita Nyong’o

Cover Image courtesy: zimbio

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