Hair Plopping - A Technique That Will Cut Your Drying Time In Half - TCB
Hair Care

Hair Plopping – A Technique That Will Cut Your Drying Time In Half3 min read

It is no surprise that curls require your undivided attention at all times. You need to constantly nurture and take care of it. If you are struggling with wild, unruly and frizzy locs, we have the perfect solution for you! Hair plopping! A method that will tame frizzy hair and cut your drying time in half. Check it out here.

1. Apply Leave-In Conditioner

Hair plopping works best with damp hair, so try this method after you have taken a shower. Generously apply TCB Naturals Leave-In Treatment to moisturise your locs. You can also apply a curl cream to enhance the volume of your curls.

2. Grab A T-Shirt

Grab an old t-shirt or a microfiber towel; just make sure you choose a soft fabric that does not create frizz. Lay the t-shirt on a flat surface, flip your hair forward and place it in the centre of the cloth.

3. Wrap The Fabric Around Your Hair

Wrap the bottom of the cloth around your neck and gather the sides to wrap your curls in one go. Make sure you tightly secure the cloth and do not leave any loose ends. Tightly tie a knot above your forehead, this presses down the curls firmly and scrunches out excess water and product from your hair.

4. Enjoy The Curls

Wait for a minimum of 20 minutes for your curls to set and then proceed to diffuse or air-dry it. Your gorgeous and voluptuous curls are ready to roll in the simplest way possible!

Wish to know other ways of styling your natural hair? Check out How To Style Your Hair In Pin Curls

Cover image courtesy: All things hair

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