Don't Repeat Naomi Campbell's Biggest Hair Mistake - TCB
Hair Care

Don’t Repeat Naomi Campbell’s Biggest Hair Mistake3 min read

Don't Repeat Naomi Campbell's Biggest Hair Mistake

As one of the most legendary supermodels, Naomi rarely looks anything other than picture perfect. All of us have adored her hairstyles over the years. However, while she was being clicked in Ibiza, the world got to see her incredibly receding hairline. Naomi has worn hair extensions throughout her life and that permanently damaged her natural hair follicles.

Experts say she is suffering from Traction Alopecia, which means hair loss due to overuse of hair extensions. Ladies, if you love your natural ‘fro do NOT commit the same mistake! Super tight hairstyles, ponytails, hard brushing and hair extensions can lead to traction hair loss, which happens due to constant pulling on the hair follicles.

Afro hair is brittle and dry, mostly near the hairline and the edges, so wearing extensions on a full time basis can cause excessive hair loss and a receding hairline, just like Naomi Campbell.

Do not repeat this mistake, make sure you sport low manipulation hairstyles and avoid wearing hair extensions for a very long period. Your natural hair is unique and requires some time to breathe freely. Keep it moisturised with TCB Naturals Hair Food especially around the hairline, nape and the edges. We also suggest opting for a good quality, lightweight hair extension that does not put too much stress on your natural locs. Get yourself a proper haircare regimen girl and you will never have to face hair loss!

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Cover image courtesy: Daily Mail Online

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