Why Water Alone Isn't Sufficient To Hydrate Your Mane - TCB
Hair Care

Why Water Alone Isn’t Sufficient To Hydrate Your Mane2 min read

Why Water Alone Isn't Sufficient To Hydrate Your Mane

Afro hair is voluminous and has unique textures and curl patterns. However, it tends to be delicate and drier than usual, thus special attention and care is required to keep them healthy and hydrated. Your dense follicles require more than just water to maintain the level of hydration. Check out these haircare tips for a perfectly hydrated ‘fro!

1. Weekly Wash Routine

Make sure you wash your tresses at least weekly. Water is a good moisturiser; it penetrates into your hair shaft in turn making your locs softer and more elastic. Washing your hair regularly will also help you in cleansing your scalp and removing product build-up. However, only water is not enough!

2. Deep Condition Twice A Week

Deep conditioners contain moisture-boosting elements that your hair requires.  Applying TCB Naturals Leave-In Treatment twice a week will deeply moisturise and nourish your hair. The unique blend of Coconut oil and Shea butter in it will rejuvenate your tresses, leaving them soft, shiny and healthy!

3. Seal It With Hair Oils

After effectively moisturising your hair, it is vital to seal-in the moisture. Natural hair oils do an excellent job at sealing in the moisture and providing nourishment. Coconut, Avocado, Argan and Castor oil are some effective options for a healthy, nourished and hydrated mane.

For a hydrated ‘fro, it’s important to knowyour ‘fro! Check out What Makes Afro Hair Structurally Different? For all the answers.

Cover image courtesy: Essence

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