How To Flat Iron Relaxed Hair - TCB
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How To Flat Iron Relaxed Hair3 min read

How To Flat Iron Relaxed Hair

Your hair has already gone through the chemical process of relaxing, which gave you luscious straight strands but also made your hair prone to damage and brittleness. Using a flat iron and heat styling relaxed hair will only make your hair health worse, unless you learn how to flat iron it correctly!

Step 1: Prepare Your Hair

Before washing your hair, do a hot oil treatment in it. This extra step will protect your natural oils from being stripped during shampooing.

Step 2: Shampooing

Cleanse your hair with a clarifying shampoo. This step will help you get rid of product build-up and dullness in your hair before your start flat ironing.

Step 3: Detangling And Air-Drying

Start detangling your hair gently with a wide toothed comb or with your fingers. Separate your hair into sections so you can detangle thoroughly. It is best to let your hair air-dry, especially when you are about to turn up the heat with a flat iron.

Step 4: Flat Ironing

You have already set the best foundation beforehand. Now it is time to flat iron your relaxed tresses. Divide your hair into various sections to thoroughly flat iron it and always apply TCB naturals Hair Food  before turning up the heating tool. Always use a heat controlled flat iron and prefer keeping it on the cooler side.

Step 5: Shine

This is an optional step. You can always apply product on your flat-ironed hair to give it extra silkiness and shine.

Relaxed hair always requires extra TLC! Check out How To Revive Your Relaxed Hair After A Workout

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